Police: Come back to our communities

We have spoken to many residents who tell us of their alarm over the increase in anti-social behaviour, drug dealing, muggings, and thefts from cars.
This Conservative-run administration has also failed to make the case for us to get our fair share of extra bobbies back on the beat. Not a single new officer of the hundreds being deployed to the London boroughs will be assigned to Kensington and Chelsea. Further, our borough now has no fully functional police stations.
With the Notting Dale, Notting Hill, and Chelsea sites closed down and the Kensington Station little more than a rest stop for Safer Neighbourhood Teams and the Rough Sleeper Initiative, when specialists are needed to deal with a serious crime they must now be brought in from surrounding boroughs.
In situations when seconds count, the police are now miles away.
People tell us they want a return to community policing, where officers are visible, trusted and known personally to local people. We must challenge the Council to stand up to the Met and the Mayor and make the case for our borough and its residents.