Earl's Court Development Update

Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre – New development
The Earls Court Development Company (ECDC) is progressing its consultation on what should be developed on the grounds of the former Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre through monthly thematic sessions with residents. Their current plan is to submit a formal planning application for approval to the two impacted Boroughs towards the end of 2023.
The magnitude and materiality of the site mean that many Kensington & Chelsea residents will be impacted directly or indirectly by what will end up being developed as well as by the construction phase. Specific topics worth particular attention from residents include:
- maximum building height with a current ECDC proposal to develop 40-storey buildings in two specific spots,
- capacity of the infrastructure to cope with the planned development during and after the construction phase (roads, public transportation, water & waste management, electricity),
- size and significance of the cultural venue due to be developed, and its capacity to attract footfall from outside the Borough
The Earls Court Development Company have a presentation hub at Conversation Corner, Lillie Road.
Public Meeting on the Earls Court Masterplan
Conversation Corner, Lillie Road Tuesday 14th March 18:30-20:00
ECDC webinar online
Monday 20th March 13:30-14:30 Click here to register for the seminar
RBKC Development Forum
St Cuthbert’s Centre, Philbeach Gardens Thursday 16 March 18:00-20:00
Click here to register for the event
The Presentation of the plans can be seen in the former Metropolitan Police Heritage Centre on Lillie Road (opposite Hotel Lily). It will be open four days a week (Wednesday - Saturday) for anyone to visit from today, Thursday 23rd February to Saturday 1st April:
Wednesdays: 12:00-16:00
Thursdays and Fridays: 15:00-19:00
Saturdays: 11:00-15:00
If you are interested in getting involved, please visit - https://theearlscourtdevelopmentcompany.com/consultation
or email ECDC at info@earlscourtdevco.com.